It's Ok to Forgive Yourself
Have you ever felt like you’ve fallen short of your own high expectations for yourself? Or ever felt like you failed at something?
I think we’ve all been in that place at one time or another. I know I definitely have.
At the start of 2020, I had so many ideas and goals, and I was ready to kick butt! I thought by March, I would have done so much more than I have. I thought I would have posted at least 8-10 blog posts, done IG and FB Lives every week, posted to both IG and FB consistently and I thought I would have launched my first group coaching program by now.
That was the plan at least. But what have I accomplished in reality? None of that. I continue to struggle to find the energy to work on growing my coaching business in the limited free time I have outside of my stressful 9-5 job. I have a few clients I’ve been working with and have been devoting my time and energy to them, but other than that, I haven’t worked on promoting or expanding my business.
It would be easy to let myself wallow in negative thoughts and get down on myself, and I’ll be honest, there are times when I’ve sunk to that place. But these days, I’m putting my efforts into forgiving myself and reminding myself that I’m only human.
I’m not using forgiveness as an excuse to keep doing nothing or a reason to not try and achieve my goals, but I’m also not going to let negative thoughts drag me down. I’m not going to let my past failures or setbacks keep me from making progress in the future.
As I move forward, I’m going to remind myself that I’m human, and let go of the need for perfection. Right now, I’m in the phase of my life where I’m building my business on the side. If I don’t post consistently that’s ok. I’m going to accept that I can’t do all the things right now. It’s ok, and it doesn’t mean I’m a failure. It means I’m building something, and improving a long the way.
What is something you need to forgive yourself for right now? We are all beautifully imperfect humans, and that’s ok.