Does Knowing Your Money Personality Actually Help You?
Do any of the money personality quizzes out there these days actually help? I’m sure you’ve seen them, because they’re everywhere lately. You’ve probably even taken one, or two, or five…
But does it actually help you to know what your money personality is? Or is it just a fun little quiz to take? I mean, who doesn’t love taking a short quiz and then having an immediate result show up on your screen telling you all about yourself, right?
Well, I can’t speak for all the other quizzes out there, but I have my own quiz that you can take to discover your top money archetype (you probably saw that one coming, amiright?). I’ve found it to be extremely accurate and helpful in my own life, and it’s also proven to be very accurate for my clients.
One of my clients recently told me she was surprised that learning about her top 3 archetypes has helped her in a very practical sense. She was having a hard time figuring out how she could use her strengths to make money, and through our analysis of her archetypes, she was able to see her gifts from a new angle and it opened up so many new possibilities for her. She’s now planning to make some shifts in her business to pursue new types of projects that will bring in money in a way that she enjoys.
Here are the three main reasons that learning about your Sacred Money Archetypes can help you:
Understanding your strengths
Each of the 8 archetypes has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to money. Understanding your strengths can help you make more money with less effort, by building and structuring your business around your strengths so you don’t feel like you’re always swimming upstream.
Understanding your weaknesses
So this is basically the same as the last point, but the reverse. Learning about your weaknesses can help you minimize the effects they have in your life so that they don’t hold you back. There are specific systems you can put in place to make sure certain things get done, whether it’s by someone else or by automation, if it's something you aren’t good at or just don’t like doing.
Creating a framework for changing your life
Changing your life is difficult. If it wasn’t, we’d all change our lives to be perfect and everyone would be happy. It’s easy to know when you need to make a change in your life, but it isn’t always easy to see what exactly needs to change or how to change it. Or even to see that it can be changed, because when we’re in the middle of a struggle we often feel like there’s nothing we can do. The Sacred Money Archetypes can be that framework for you. It can help you see what changes you need to make in your life and business so that you can make more money without having to just keep working harder all the time.
Don’t misunderstand me here: You are unique.
You cannot be placed in a neat little box that explains you perfectly (along with the thousands of others who also share your top archetype). Your personality is really a combination mainly of your top 3 archetypes. And depending on how many points you got for each archetype, the traits of that archetype can show up differently for you than they do for someone else.
After doing a little work to uncover your unique money personality through the Sacred Money Archetypes, you can make powerful changes in your life. To get started you just need to learn a little bit about your top archetype. That alone can bring surprising revelations that can help you make important shifts in your life.
I’ve created a free guide to help you get started. It includes a description of each archetype, a mindset and belief statement designed to empower you, and a journaling prompt that is also designed to empower you to step into the highest version of your archetype/yourself.
Enter your name and email below to get the guide and take the quiz. You’ll also be signed up for my email list to get weekly emails from me to help you build a life and business you love.