Every Business Coach Would Tell Me Not To Do This
I’m going to start my email list and my business over from scratch. There, I said it.
I know probably every business coach would tell me not to do that, because I’ve heard them give that advice to other people in a similar situation to mine. And I don’t disagree with that advice.
But let me backtrack a little and explain why I’m doing this.
I’ve been trying to start my business for the last 5-6 years (I’ve lost track of the time at this point).
I’ve been trying to start it on the side while continuing to work at my demanding and stressful 9-5 job, which is actually way more than 9-5 hours.
So it’s hard to work on my business during the few free hours I have each week, when all I want to do is collapse on the couch in exhaustion or go to bed. And I don’t even have kids! (I bow down to all the parents out there who are side hustling, because I have no idea how you do it).
Here’s why I finally made the decision to start my email list over from scratch:
I’ve pivoted my business focus too many times over the years.
I no longer know what topic prompted people to join my list over the years. Sure, maybe some of them would be interested in following me in my new focus and direction, but I really feel like I want a fresh start.
Many times I’ve held off posting a new blog post because I didn’t know if my email list would want to read it, if it’s too off-topic from what they were expecting to hear from me.
So I’ve come to realize that my email list is holding me back a little from growing my business at this point. Yes, I do realize this is actually MY fault and that it’s just a mindset block, but this is how I’ve decided to move past this particular hurdle.
After 5+ years of trying to build my business I still have fewer than 50 email subscribers.
So it’s not like I’m abandoning a huge list of potential customers.
This is my own fault in not really promoting or marketing my business or content. All the coaching clients I’ve worked with over the past year I’ve connected with in various ways online, but none of them are on my email list.
I didn’t bother to add them partly because I haven’t emailed my list in a long time, so I figured it didn’t really matter.
And over the years I’ve let fear get in the way of adding people I met in person or elsewhere online who expressed interest in my business.
I know, I know - believe me I won’t make this mistake this time around, but learning how to be an entrepreneur has been a big learning curve for me.
The only people who open my emails regularly (when I actually send them) are my friends and family.
Occasionally someone I don’t know personally will open an email, but I don’t feel motivated to email my list when I know that probably the only people who are going to read it will be my friends and family members who are just curious to see what I’m doing.
The idea of starting over with a brand new email list sounds exciting and motivating.
I’m really excited about what the future holds for my business and I don’t want to feel like my past is holding me back from my future growth.
My dear entrepreneurs and side-hustling friends, I want to help you gain confidence in yourself and your ability to build a successful business (without burning out). And I want to help you enjoy all the ups and downs on this journey of business and life as an entrepreneur.
If any of this sounds of interest to you, I would love to have you join me on this journey.
If you’re ready, enter your name and email below and we’ll talk soon!