This is Your Most Valuable Resource (And it's Not Time)
Do you ever feel like there’s not enough hours in the day to get everything done? Do you feel tired and burned out?
If the answer is yes, then click the image below to watch my latest video about why racing against the clock to get more done is not the answer.
Or if video’s not your thing, keep reading below.
Now, I personally would love it if we could somehow make each day a little bit longer so I could get more done, but I also realize that that’s never gonna happen.
For the longest time, I would try to cram as much work into the day as I possibly could.
At some point though, I realized that just was not working. Time management was not the answer.
Time is often hailed as the most valuable resource, because it’s non-renewing. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. We can’t get that time back.
The thing about time though, is that it’s always moving, as soon as we lose the minute that just passed, there’s another minute coming right up behind it.
So the most important thing we can do, is to make the best of the time that’s passing by.
And your energy is the resource that allows you to do everything you do with the time that you have.
So I believe your most valuable resource is your energy.
Energy ebbs and flows throughout the day, and when you learn to understand what drains your energy and what refuels you, then you can manage that flow of energy in the way that you plan our days, weeks, and really, your life.
I’ve got more content coming up on this topic, so if you want to make sure you don’t miss out, enter your name and email below to sign up for my weekly emails.